
Earthquake in Milan Today

Key Facts

A brief **earthquake** struck Milan today at around 09:06 am, lasting approximately **10 seconds** and causing minor disturbances. Residents reported **shaking furniture** and **scared pets**, prompting many to check on loved ones via phone. **Mayor Pisapia** announced inspections of **400 school buildings** for damage, while some areas like Parma experienced **structural damage**.

For information on the earthquake in Italy on October 26th and 30th, 2016, please see this article: Earthquake Hits Macerata Area of Italy


For information on the Tuscany earthquake of January 25th, 2013, please see this article: Earthquake near Lucca in Tuscany

For information on the May 29, 2012 earthquake in Italy please see this: Yet Another Earthquake in Milan and Modena

There was a very brief earthquake in Milan, Italy today at around 09:06 am.  I know, I felt it.  I was outside on our balcony when the plants started shuddering, the balcony itself shuddered too and I heard tiny pieces of debris fall off the walls and roof of our apartment building.

I am pleased to be able to report that I am unscathed and cannot see any damage.  Did the earthquake frighten me?  No, not at all.  It did not last long enough to scare me, fortunately.

Via Twitter others in Milan reported bookcases shaking and scared cats.  The tremor was also felt in Monza which is on the north east side of Milan.  What also emerged from Twitter was that after the tremor many phone calls were made by those in Milan to check up on the well being of relatives and loved ones.

The tremor must have lasted all of 10 seconds, if not less.  I tweeted seconds after it started and as the tremor was dying down the plants on our balcony were still quivering.

A few moments after the earthquake I went out to my local coffee bar and others in the bar were talking about the quake.  One woman said that some council offices, I think it was, had actually been evacuated.

As a precautionary measure, at the time of the Milan tremor, my son and all the other children at his school were ordered out of the school buildings into the playground.  Milan’s Mayor Pisapia announced on Twitter that 400 school buildings in Milan were being checked for possible earthquake damage.

Oddly enough, this is only the second earthquake I have ever felt – the last one having been many years ago in the United Kingdom of all places.

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Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

The epicenter for the recent quake appears to have been the Mantua, Parma area and the magnitude 4.9 to 5.1.  Not sure if that was 4.9 Richter or Mercalli scale, although I have been told it was Richter.  4.9 on the Richter scale is a significant earthquake, less so on the Mercalli scale.


The location and more details of the earthquake which was felt throughout northern Italy and noted by 23 seismic activity monitoring stations can be found here:

  • Earthquake in Emilia Romagna

There has been seismic activity in the Verona area recently and some have been wondering whether the Milan tremor was connected, but this does not appear to be the case.

Some Damage in Parma

I have taken a look at regional news site for Parma.  People in the city were rather shaken up by the quake.

There was some damage in Parma – at least one building suffered cracking and there are reports of falling masonry, and damaged chimneys.

One Parma resident had a lucky escape when he moved from one spot to another to smoke a cigarette.  Seconds later, during the earthquake, bricks from a chimney tumbled onto the spot where he had been standing.  There, you see, smoking is not always bad for one’s health!

There are also reports of possible damage in Mantua coming through.  Buildings are being inspected for signs of damage.

Further details will emerge.

Italian news website Il Post has also reported the earthquake event.

Another Earthquake This Week

There has been another, slightly stronger, earthquake this week which I felt while I was in Milan.

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