Complain about privacy related issues relating to or request the removal of one or more comments by using this form.
To request the removal of the comment, include the comment date and time and add the url of the page on which the comment appears e.g. Please remove my comment of October 19, 2017 at 4:05 pm page To request the removal of all your comments, just write ‘Please remove all my comments’.
To remove all information Italy Chronicles has about you, visit this page: Right to be forgotten Note that the comment(s) removal and Right to Be Forgotten processes are not reversible.
For the complaint or comment removal request to be received and processed, we will need an email address. Please enter it here:
[gdpr_request_form type=”complaint”]
You will receive a copy of the complaint text. You must confirm your request using the link in the email you will receive to show that it came from you.