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Italy’s Rome Mafia Case

Italy’s capital, Rome, has been run by a mafia-type gang of criminals and politicians for years is what investigations and arrests have been  revealing. Although it has not yet happened, the municipal authority of Rome may be dissolved as can happen in Italy when it is determined that councils have been deeply penetrated by organised crime.

Usually, but by no means always, small local councils in areas of Italy already well known for organised crime infestation end up being dissolved and taken over by special commissioners. Now though, none other than the borough of Rome is in the spotlight. To put this in perspective, it is as if the greater London council has been taken over by organised criminals. If such a thing were ever to happen in the United Kingdom, it would be seen as a major embarrassment for London is also the center of the nation’s government as is Rome.

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As one might expect, the Rome corruption revelations are causing reverberations which are reaching into the very heart of Italy’s national government. Italy’s present employment minister has been photographed dining with some of those who stand accused of running the Rome racket. Although this may raise questions about the minister’s integrity, Italy’s prime minister has pointed out that a photograph is not a bribe. Even so, some are wondering whether the minister should, at the very least, resign from his post until the whole situation becomes clearer. The risk is that the minister concerned may end up under investigation himself and this would reflect very badly on Italy’s Matteo Renzi led government and would make Prime Minister Renzi’s promises to ‘scrap’ the old system unconvincing.

Other members of Mr Renzi’s PD party have been implicated in the Rome corruption ring and have taken a backseat. What is becoming clearer others are involved in in the corruption which has been going on in Rome for many years.

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