
Ask Questions about Italy and Get Answers

Key Facts

This post serves as a **mini-forum** for asking questions about **Italy**, allowing readers to share information and insights.The author encourages **crowdsourcing** answers via Twitter, leveraging their follower base for diverse perspectives.Participants are reminded to keep discussions **cordial** and avoid sharing personal information, ensuring a safe and respectful environment.

Right, this is your post.  It was inspired by an email from a Blog from Italy reader before this site became Italy Chronicles.

The aim of this post is to create a sort of mini-forum, an alternative to the ‘contact’ system.  A place where questions about anything Italy can be asked, and information can be shared.  If I cannot answer directly; I do not pretend to know everything about Italy (wish I did!); then others who either read or come across this discussion space might be able to provide answers.

I may also use Twitter‘s crowd think power, as I have done before, as a resource to help find answers to difficult questions – and with my @newsfromitaly handle and over 7,400 followers as at February, 2012, somebody may well come up with an answer.

For more information on this resource, please read on.

An Open Discussion Space

Ask Questions about Italy
Ask Questions about Italy

This is a space where questions can be asked about items not covered in Italy Chronicles’ posts.  If you have a question which relates to an Italy Chronicles’ post, then please ask it in the comments area beneath that post.

However, if you wish to discuss issues raised in Italy Chronicles’ posts, please feel free to do that here.

Note that Italy Chronicles does not sell email addresses to anyone, and that ‘fake’ email addresses are acceptable.  I will try to ensure that any links provided do not lead to nasty web sites, but if anyone does come across anything untoward, just let me know.  Italy Chronicles has a small armory of anti-spam systems.

I also have no objection to companies answering questions such as ‘Where can I get … in Italy?’, as long as the answers given are directly relevant and not spam.

think in italian logo dark bg 1

Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

Comments left here may not appear immediately, so be sure to bookmark this page and visit regularly to find out if someone has answered your question.

Be Nice

Please keep things cordial and friendly here.  If discussion do get overheated and there is nastiness, I’ll chop the nasty comments out.  In this respect, I will be dictatorial!

Do not to provide personal information like email addresses and telephone numbers in questions or replies – remember this is a public space and information could fall into the wrong hands.

Anyone Can Answer

I do not know everything there is to know about Italy – so please bear this in mind if I answer you.  I am more than happy to be corrected if someone feels that one of my own attempts to help people is not at good as it could be.

If others know more about something, then they should feel free to jump in and try to help out in this mini-forum.

Oh, and if you are wondering just why I don’t set up a real forum, the answer is that I just do not have the time to run one.

OK, over to you.  Ask away!

PS I might ask a few questions too.

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