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The Tourist – Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, Filmed in Venice

Long Way Venice, Gondala - Radu Anastase

Coming soon to a cinema near you, The Tourist, a film with Venice, Italy as a backdrop, starring Hollywood legends Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.  From the trailer, The Tourist looks like a fast moving romp around Venice, with guns, gondolas and the gorgeous Jolie.

Long Way Venice, Gondala - Radu Anastase
Long Way - Photo by Radu Anastase

As if you needed an excuse to visit Venice anyway, seeing this film may just persuade you to finally go book that holiday to this magical city, which I’ve visited a few times, and love.  I’d recommend spending at least a week there, if not longer.

Well, just to whet your appetite even further, here’s the official The Tourist trailer.  Who knows guys, go to Venice and you might meet the Angelina Jolie of your life?  And, girls, I understand Mr Depp has his fans too.

I wonder what Ms Jolie and Mr Depp made of Venice. It would be interesting to find out, would it not?

If you do go to Italy’s slowing sinking canal city, and even if you don’t meet Messrs, Jolie, Depp or even Brad Pitt, you’ll find a visit to Venice is an experience. I think ladies will rather like Italian men, and the men won’t find Italian ladies disappointing either.

Hopefully though, if you do go there, nobody will shoot at you.  Being shot at does tend to ruin ones holiday somewhat, I imagine.  I have been shot at, but not in Venice in Italy, so I know what it feels like ;-)

think in italian logo dark bg 1

Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

On to the trailer.

The Tourist Filmed in Venice, Italy and Starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp


Here are some Tourist outtakes for your viewing pleasure:


Go see the movie and then book that break to Venice – it’s one of those few places in the world which everyone must-see at least once.  And Italy has a few such sights.

Coming soon on ItalyChronciles.com – The American, starring George Clooney, and also filmed in Italy.

Wonder when they will make ‘The Pizza’?

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Rome Correspondent John Hooper

Interview: Guardian & Economist Journalist John Hooper

I’ve been reading Guardian and Economist journalist and Rome correspondent John Hooper’s articles on events in Italy for some time, then I found John Hooper tweeting on Twitter.

One day, John Hooper actually started following my newsfromitaly persona on Twitter, which meant I could send him a private message. Not that I thought he would agree, but ever hopeful, I fired off a private Tweet to ask him if he’d like to do an interview, albiet via email, for BlogfromItaly.com. Much to my delight (and surprise), he kindly agreed.

Here is the result, and I hope you like the questions I posed to John Hooper, and I suspect you’ll find his responses interesting – I certainly did.


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