
Italian Cities

Milan’s Green Belt

I recently read an interesting article in Epolis Milano, one of Milan’s many freebie newspapers, and also one of the better ones, I might add.

Mugging in Milan

This post has been updated to make it more accurate – Alex Roe, 22.02.1008. I was rather worried to learn from the guy I work

Ecopass Milan

As you may have read/seen, Milan’s council has introduced its own brand of pollution limitation measure, know as ‘Ecopass’. Basically, to enter the central area

Free Wi-Fi in Parco Sempione, Milan!

Yes, a free wifi service in Milan, Italy now exists and, most probably, works. If you manage to make it to the end of this post about my wifi exploits, then you will find a link to a list of free wifi hotspots in Milan.

Sant’Ambrogio and Christmas shopping in Milan

Every year in Milan there is the Sant’Ambrogio holiday on the 7th December. Sant’Ambrogio is the patron saint of Milan and to celebrate the day dedicated to the Milanese Saint there is the ‘Oh Bei, Oh Bei’ mercatino.

Pedestrian ideas and dog poo

I 've already gone on about Italian driving in another post, in which I expressed the opinion that they were not as bad as they