
The Best Pizza Restaurants in Italy

Key Facts

Pizza's popularity in Italy remains strong, with many pizzerias celebrated for their quality and cultural significance. Italian expert Orietta Boncompagni Ludovisi has identified the top pizzerias, emphasizing the overall dining experience beyond just the food. The top five pizzerias are primarily located in Naples, with one notable exception in Imperia, showcasing regional pizza excellence.

While pizza is to be found in just about every corner of the world, its popularity in its land of origin has never diminished.  Pizza is as popular today in Italy as it ever has been.  Have you ever wondered where in Italy the best pizzas can be found?

Seeing as much of Italy appears to be fuming over the latest escapade of the Berlusconi government, I felt it might be nice to take a break from politics for a moment and to look at a distinctly more appetising subject, which is also much easier to digest: pizza.

Italian author Orietta Boncompagni Ludovisi has had her book “The Best Pizzerias In Italy” republished some five times since it first appeared in 1996.  Each time a new edition of Boncompagni Ludovisi’s pizza book hits the bookshops of Italy, it sells like hot cakes.  Perhaps that should be “sells like hot pizzas”.

Anyway, I was reading a copy of what I’ve been told by our local news-stand is one of Italy’s best selling travel magazines, Dove, and I found a delicious article all about pizza.  Part of said article was a list of the top ten pizzerias in all of Italy in the opinion of Boncompagni Ludovisi, who is probably Italy’s number one pizza expert.


I thought it would be interesting for the rest of the world to know the names of what are considered by an Italian pizza expert to be the top pizzerias in Italy.   And once they know, pizza fans the world over will have a better idea of where in Italy they should be spending their holidays.

Before reading on, in which Italian towns and cities do you think the best pizzerias in Italy are to be found?

OK, here’s the top five.  For the other five, you’ll have to buy the March 2010 edition of Dove.  By the way, ‘Dove’ is pronounced ‘dough-vay’, and is Italian for ‘where’.

The Top 5 Pizzerias in Italy

As Naples is reputedly the place where pizza was invented, it should perhaps not come as much surprise to see that four out of the top five pizzerias in Italy are in Naples.

What might be a bit of a surprise is the location of pizzeria number five.

In assessing the quality of Italy’s pizza parlours, Italian pizza expert Boncompagni Ludovisi not only takes into account the quality of the pizzas, she also considers service, ambience, the wine list, and the overall experience.

Eating in one of the restaurants listed below is more than just ‘going for a pizza’, it’s also a excellent way to experience Italian culture first hand.

Number 1 – The Best Pizzeria in Italy 2010


Naples, Italy

Brandi – Antica Pizzeria Della Regina D’Italia in Naples, Salita S. Anna di Palazzo, 1-2, 80100 Napoli, Italia – looks lovely from the photos on the website.

Opening hours: 12:30 – 3:30, 7:30 – 12:00 (never closes)

Website: Brandi

Location via Google Map: Brandi

Number 2

Cantanapoli, Via Chiatamone, 36, Naples

Opening hours: 12:30 – 3:30, 7:30 – 12:00 (never closes)

Website: Cantanapoli

Location via Google Map: Cantanapoli

Number 3

Don Salvatore A Mergellina, Via Mergellina, 4, Naples – rather elegant for a pizza parlour. Lovely location too.

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Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

Opening hours: 11:30 – 3:30, 7:30 – 11:30 (closed Wednesdays)

Website: Don Salvatore A Mergellina

Location via Google Map: Don Salvatore A Mergellina

Number 4

Lombardi A Santa Chiara, Via Benedetto Croce, 59, Naples

Opening hours: 11:30 – 3:30, 7:30 – 11:30 (closed Mondays)

Website: Does not exist

Location via Google Map: Lombardi A Santa Chiara

And last, but by no means least, one of the best pizzerias in Italy which is not in Naples!

Number 5


Frà Diavolo, Corso Garibaldi, 1, Diano Maria, Imperia (Liguria)

Opening hours: 12:00 – 2:30, 6:00 – 12:00 (never closes)

Website: Fra Diavolo

Location via Google Map: Fra Diavolo

There you have them, what are considered as being the finest pizzerias in all Italy.

If you want to eat real pizza, you now know where to go.

Buon appetito!

Photo credits:

Pizza photo by Valerio Capello

Naples photo by JJKDC on Flickr

Imperia photo by Anja Timmermans


Dove Magazine, March 2010 Edition: Miseria, pizza and nobilità

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