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Wild Boar Hunting in Italy

Ever thought about wild boar hunting in Italy? Maybe not but perhaps you might like to. Italy has a bit of a problem with wild boar – there are rather too many of the things and culling a few wouldn’t do any harm at all.

Where can you go wild boar hunting in Italy? How about lovely Tuscany? A couple of days hunting wild boar could be combined with a visit to this beautiful region of Italy.

Wild boar forms the basis of a few rather tasty Italian dishes, such as wild boar braised in red wine, wild boar stew, and wild boar ragu on pasta. Hunt around and you’ll find wild boar salami too. Wild boar is a tasty meat, I know, I’ve tried it. To find wild boar based dishes on menus in Italy, look out for the word “cinghiale”. That’s pronounced ‘ching’ ‘i’ as in ‘if’ and “ah-lay” – ‘ching-i-ah-lay’. I don’t know if hunters get to take away a chunk of wild boar but if they do not, they should be. Getting one’s leg of wild boar through customs might be tough though. If the idea of wild boar hunting in Italy interests you, try the wild boar hunting page of Italian Safari.

According to Italian Safari, the cost of a day’s hunt is €1000, though two day hunts are recommended.

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There’s also wild boar hunting offered by Castello di Vicarello in Tuscany. The Catello di Vicarello ‘hunting lodge’ looks rather nice too. Definitely luxury class hunting.

If the price sounds a little high, try Casa Vialba in Umbria which offers hunting breaks for €400 a day, or €350, if you are happy to share a room (husband and wife hunters, maybe?).



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