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The Size of Newspapers

Awkward things newspapers. The full size versions that are still here and there are so huge and ungainly that you risk punching someone in the face when you try open and read the things on crowded buses and trains. The so-called ‘tabloid’ format papers are a little better, but they are still difficult to handle. And if there is a bit of wind, then forget trying to have a quick flick through while you are hanging around at a bus stop.

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Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

Yep, I find newspapers a pain in the bottom to peruse, which is a shame, because they can be a very good read. So how about coming up with a new ‘magazine’ size paper? Something you could open anywhere without fear of injuring an innocent bystander, and something you can read easily without having to fold, twist, turn, bend and generally fiddle about with simply to read an article that trails from the top of one curtain sized page all the way down to its bottom. And if an article is ‘continued on page 9’, forget it, I’ll wait until I can find an area the size of a table tennis table before I’ll get round to reading it.

Can’t wait until portable digital newspapers come on the scene.

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Silvio Berlusconi

Berlusconi, Antigua, Report, Question Marks

The Report documentary programme broadcast by the RAI 3 television channel is already unpopular with Italy’s government for shedding light on many of Italy’s dark sides. Last night, despite threats from Berlusconi’s lawyer who wanted to ban the programme, Report covered Silvio Berlusconi’s ownership of a luxury residential complex in offshore tax haven, Antigua. Report’s report raised a few questions.


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Reforming Italy

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