Stop reading, start speaking
Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.
Milan, Italy’s northern city
Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.
Milan, Italy’s northern city
It is still not clear how many victims the recent earthquake which hit the Italian city of L’Aqulia and the surrounding area in Abruzzo will claim, however some of the comments left on another of my posts on this tragedy left me thinking that a list of the deceased might be useful.
Did you know that there’s an easy way to buy Milan public transport tickets? Well there is. All
If you’ve ever chatted about politics in Italy, you will probably have come across number of Italians claim
Italian bars come in many shapes and sizes, but they can be divided into two quite distinct categories – those that open in the morning and close at about the same time as the shops do – that is around 7.30 and the bars which are more akin to the English pub – except that they open in the early evening and finally close at around 2 in the morning.
Springtime in Milan, Italy is a time of stunning pink flower blossoms, as I think the photographs here I took this Sunday in early April
When mention is made of Italy mixed in with thoughts of pasta and wine will be the Vatican and, the mafia.
Ever thought about wild boar hunting in Italy? Maybe not but perhaps you might like to. Italy has a bit of a problem with wild
When learning a new language, being able to discuss money-related topics is essential, and Italian is no exception. Whether you’re traveling to Italy, conducting business,