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Italian politics

Italian Politics – Still a Mess

Here’s a roundup stroke overview of what’s going on in the decidedly odd world of Italian politics. Broadly, there are three political factions in Italy,

Berlusconi Heart

On Thursday in Italy headlines were dominated by the news that Silvio Berlusconi, a former and controversial prime minister, required an urgent heart operation and had

Italy’s Rome Mafia Case

Italy’s capital, Rome, has been run by a mafia-type gang of criminals and politicians for years is what investigations and arrests have been  revealing. Although

Recent Events and Italy’s Ferguson

Last week was, as usual, rather hectic and peppered with announcements from Italy’s vociferous prime minister. Italy’s Prime Minister is forging ahead with announcements, if

Ferrari Gets a New Boss

Luca Cordero di Montezemolo is to leave the helm of Italian sports car maker Ferrari in mid-October. Rumours about the change had been flying around

Matteo Renzi’s Management Team

  The seven ladies on Renzi’s team: Institutional Reform: Maria Elena Boschi E’ nata il 24 gennaio 1981 a Montevarchi, in provincia di Arezzo, e

Berlisconi Found

Finally, after a longer than expected wait, Italy’s Supreme Court of Cassation found Silvio Berlusconi … reached it’s verdict in the final appeal hearing of