
Italian Wine – Best Selling Wine Books

Key Facts

Italian wine exports have surpassed French wines since 2012, highlighting the growing popularity and quality of Italian wines. Best selling wine books serve as essential guides for understanding and selecting Italian wines, especially when dining in Italy. Extras like "The World of Sicilian Wine" and "Wine Dogs Italy" can enhance your wine book collection and appreciation for Italian wines.
Lucifer May Create Great Italian Wines

Here’s a list of best selling wine books to help you learn more about Italian wines, plus a couple of  wine book extras.

More and more people are discovering the joys of Italian wine, and exports of Italian wines are overtaking those of French wines.

“Italy overtook France as the largest wine exporting country in the world in 2012, according to Vinitaly figures.” Harpers – Italian producers look to international growth to escape domestic economy

The choice of Italian wines can be overwhelming, so to help you learn more and make informed decisions, wine guides such as these best selling wine books can be very useful. Getting a wine guide before you visit Italy will be useful too and will help you choose interesting wines when you are dining out here.

Artist Paul Critchely Enjoying a Drop of Wine
English Artist Paul Critchely Enjoying a Drop of Italian Wine

If you really like that Italian red you tried while in Italy, remember to use the camera on your mobile phone to take a picture of the wine bottle label. This should help you locate that wine when you are back home.

The top ten list of best selling wine books from

1. Italian Wines 2013 by Gambero Rosso

2 .Vino Italiano: Regional Wines of Italy– continues to be a very popular Italian wine guide

3 .Beyond Barolo and Brunello: Italy’s Most Distinctive Wines – published in 2013

4. Amarone: The Making of an Italian Wine Phenomenon– an increasingly popular  northern Italian wine

5. Slow Wine 2013: A Year in the Life of Italy’s Vineyards & Wines

think in italian logo dark bg 1

Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

6. Italian Wines For Dummies – you won’t be a dummy after reading it!

7. Brunello to Zibibbo: The Wines of Tuscany, Central and Southern Italy (Classic Wine Library)

8. Vino Italiano Buying Guide: The Ultimate Quick Reference to the Great Wines of Italy – a little dated, but wines from 2007 may well be even better today. 2007 was a good year for Tuscan wines, not so good for Piedmont though.

9. On the Prosecco Wine Route: Wines from the Conegliano and Valdobbiadene Hills – I admit it, I love a good prosecco!

10. Best Italian Wines – dated, but can be picked up for a bargain price.


A couple of other books you might like to add to your wine book library.

The World of Sicilian Wine – a new book on a very interesting subject. Sicilian wines are getting better and better.

Wine Dogs Italy – photos of the Italian wine makers best friends!

Happy reading and drinking.

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