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The Pizza Quiz

Pizza in Florence

After Italy Chronicles recent and popular Pasta Quiz, here’s a quiz about another Italian, and world, staple: pizza!

think in italian logo dark bg 1

Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

[WpProQuiz 6]

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Corleone in Sicily - A Mafia HQ?

Italian Mafia Moves North

There have been a growing number of reports in Italy’s press on Italian mafia operations expanding into Italy’s north.

Names of Herbs and Spices in Italian and English

This will be short fragrant post, which some may find useful.

Maybe you’ve just arrived in Italy, or maybe you want to cook something up while you are here. In that case you may well need to know the names of the various herbs and spices that you can find in the shops and supermarkets here.


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Silvio Berlusconi

Berlusconi’s Lawyers: Niccolò Ghedini and Piero Longo

By now most people will know that Italy’s controversial prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is facing charges in connection with prostitution and abuse of office. As you might expect Berlusconi’s case is being managed by two of Italy’s top lawyers.

One is Niccolò Ghedini and the other is Piero Longo, and both are members of Berlusconi’s party and are serving parliamentarians.