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Not All Italian Websites Look So Bad

At the risk of being accused of being a pot calling a kettle black (Yep, I know this blog is getting rather cluttered), I have to say that after doing a little web based research for my latest project, my Italy is in Italian contemporary art site, I’ve come across some rather good looking, and, generally, well written English sections of Italian websites. Well, a family of them actually.

These sites form part of a mini-network run by the Ferragamo family, of the fashion house “Salvatore Ferragamo”. WIth the possible exception of the Viesca Estate site, all of the others are very slick.

I know they are at the top end of the market, but even so, it’s good to see what can be done. OK, so these people have money, of that there is no doubt, but, to their credit, they appear to know how to spend it rather wisely.

I hope they won’t mind too much, but I’ve stolen the list of links to each of these sites and popped them below, so you can have a quick gander, if you so desire.

Salvatore Ferragamo – Fashionable clothes

Resort & Hospitality
Lungarno Hotels

think in italian logo dark bg 1

Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

Resort and Winery
Il Borro

Marine Industry
Camper & Nicholsons Yachting Ltd – motor cruisers to dream about.

Nautor’s Swan – Lovely yachts – exploring the boats virtually is a pleasure.

Prestigious Rental and Villas
Il Borro

Viesca Estate

As for this here blog, it’s going to get a facelift shortly.

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