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Lamborghini’s Green Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera

A very kind media agency which produces promotional videos for Italian super sports car maker, Lamborghini, sent me their latest video of Lamborghini’s latest creation, the 202 miles per hour Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera, which is also environmentally friendly, sort of.

Well, I like Lamborghinis, and hope, vainly, I know, that if I help this illustrious Italian car maker spread the word, one day, they might even invite me to drive one.

If the income from BlogfromItaly ever reaches such dizzy levels; probably by the next time we see a blue moon; I might even splash out on one, and do a driving course which will teach me to go all the way round corners too.  I’m not very good at corners, you see.

Gallardo Time
Gallardo Time

This lovely Lambo can also help me feel better about the world’s green and pleasant lands too, as aside from being stunning to look at, this new lightning fast 3.5 seconds 0-62mph Lambo is also environmentally friendly.  Well, it contains loads of that pretty natural substance, carbon, which is why it is so darned light, and, as a consequence, no slouch either.

As well as the natural substance, there is, as you will see, the colour.  This Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera can be had in an environmentally friendly shade of green, which of course, will mean that it will blend subtly into the surrounding countryside.  That’s pretty environmentally friendly, if you ask me.

There is, I will admit, the howl of the exhaust, which might detract in some small way from the ‘green’ nature of this four wheel drive beast. Then again, one might actually mistake it from some animal or other which is roaming a plain near you.

Enough eulogising, here are some pretty pictures of this testament to Italian automotive engineering prowess for you to drool over.  Just remember to buy that lottery ticket this week!

The Green Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera

The Green and Mean 2010 Gallardo Superleggera
The Green and Mean 2010 Gallardo Superleggera
think in italian logo dark bg 1

Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

She does look gorgeous, I have to admit.

The Sleek green Gallardo Superleggera
The Sleek green Gallardo Superleggera

Yes, “sleek” does describe this automotive creation quite well too.  And she has a nice rump, within which 570bhp lurk.  Quite a filly, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Nice Rump too, on the Gallardo Superleggera
Nice Rump too, on the Gallardo Superleggera

She is green too, in an environmentally friendly way.  EURO 5 specification, and catalytic converters with lamda sensors, I’ll have you know.  And she weighs in at a mere 1340kg, which is a whisker under 3,000lbs.  Light weight = fuel efficiency = environmentally friendly, sort of.

Last but by no means least, here’s the mini-movie style video which Lamborghini is using to help persuade people snap these things up:


There, I’m sure you’ll all rush out and buy one, or two, even.

If you do and those nice people from Lamborghini (I live in Milan, Italy, nice, wonderful Lamborghini people, nudge, nudge, wink, wink) don’t invite me out for a drive (Once I’ve learnt how to corner), can I come for a ride?  Please, pretty please?  Otherwise I’ll turn green, but not not an environmentally friendly shade. Nope. Green with envy!

Italy sure is full of beautiful creations.

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