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Life in Italy

Turning Round La Brutta Figura

Italy is a very image conscious country – just wander down any Italian street and you will see beautiful shops and elegantly dressed passers by.

Traffic fines

Back in September 2006 I wrote a post about how to settle those pesky speeding/traffic fines you may end up with either during or after

In Italy, Sweating is Dangerous

Well, so it would seem here in Italy. I have been having arguments with my Italian other half about the sweatiness of our little one. He, like me, is prone to sweating. And being an energetic 4 year old, he runs around and sweats even more. This is dangerous in Italy, apparently, as it can provoke colds and catarrh.

Cakes….at a price

Pictured here are the two cakes we got for our son’s belated third birthday party.

A Caffe Shakerato

How to Survive the Summer Heat in Italy

If you’ve read some of the other posts on this blog you may know about the heat which dominates Milan, and just about everywhere in Italy from around June until the end of September. Here’s what you can try to do to keep yourself from going mad and survive daily life in Italy in the heat of the summer season.

The Inside of bar Cheerful in Milan, Italy

The Italian Bar

Italian bars come in many shapes and sizes, but they can be divided into two quite distinct categories – those that open in the morning and close at about the same time as the shops do – that is around 7.30 and the bars which are more akin to the English pub – except that they open in the early evening and finally close at around 2 in the morning.