Ever heard of Alessandro Acerra? I hope so, but if you have not, you may well do quite soon, for his work as been creating quite a stir in Italy’s contemporary art scene. This weekend an event is being held at the headquarters of Italian financial newspaper and publishing group, Il Sole 24 Ore at Via Monte Rosa, 91.
Aside from Acerra’s provocative work, an example of which you will see shortly, there are plenty of other works of art on display at the ‘Arte Acessibile’ – Accessible Art exhibition which runs this Saturday and Sunday, the 27 and 28 March. In keeping with the accessible art theme, entrance to the the exhibition is free. Sponsoring the show are PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Il Sole 24 Ore, and 1ring – an innovative, and free, new web service which promises to help us link the real world to the web. If the idea of connecting the real world with the virtual one the sounds intriguing, then watch the brief video on the 1ring website. Sorry, technology got the better of me, as usual. I digress.
Apparently, the very real works of contemporary art on show have one thing in common: The artists featured are not represented by any gallery owners. I feel that after seeing examples of just what some of these artists are capable of, a few will end up having their work featured in some gallery or other, either in Italy, or further afield.
Should you care to pay a visit, you will find a varied collection of paintings, photography, sculpture, and installations to view. You may also be able to chat with the artists concerned, although I have no idea how many of them speak English. You could always use this as an opportunity to brush up your Italian, I suppose.
What follows is an example of Alessandro Acerra’s work, which you may not see ever again. It was there this Thursday, but, somewhat mysteriously, Acerra’s installation had disappeared on Friday. Why? Take a look, and I believe all will become clear.
Stop reading, start speaking
Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.
The Installation Which is No More by Alessandro Acerra
If you are in Milan this weekend, like art, and are otherwise twiddling your thumbs, then why not hop on the Red metro line from Il Duomo, and jump off at the Lotto stop. Just make sure you catch the train heading for Milan’s exhibition complexes and you will be fine.
I might be there too.
Have an arty weekend!