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Thinking about Registering for VAT in Italy? Read This.

I’m having one of those ‘Has the time come to leave Italy?’ moments. Reading about the thousands of Italians who have left Italy, doesn’t help. Nor does being over 50. And my somewhat chaotic, happy go lucky approach to life is probably what’s driven me into a corner. That and registering for VAT in Italy. […]

Italy’s Redditometro Scares Expats

Heading in a better direction?

As you may have heard, Italy is cracking down hard on tax evasion.  Millions have been recouped so far, and plans to use something called a ‘redditometro‘, which, crudely translated into English is ‘income-o-meter’, are afoot.  This new system is spooking some expats in Italy. What is the ‘redditometro’,  ‘income-o-meter’ thing?  Well, it’s a system for working […]