Mayor of Venice Arrested in MOSE Project Corruption Scandal
After the greedy came very close to sinking Milan’s flagship Expo 2015 event, now 35 people including Giorgio Orsoni, the Mayor of Venice, have been arrested for bribery and corruption in connection with the 7 billion Euro MOSE project. Recent rumblings surrounding the MOSE project had suggested that arrests may have been on the cards. Those […]
Italian Rogue of the Week – Mauro Floriani
Mauro Floriani, the husband of Alessandra Mussolini, has admitted to multiple encounters with schoolgirl prostitutes in Rome. Alessandra Mussolini is an extreme right ring Italian politician and grandchild of infamous Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, Ms Mussolini’s husband Floriani is the father of three children, Caterina, Clarissa, and Romano, yet this did not put him off […]
Italian Rogues of the Week: The Ligresti Family
Recently in Italy, a whole family of Italian rogues was arrested. That family was not some bunch of mafia mavericks, but the Ligresti family which was heavily involved in insurance in Italy. The business methods of the Ligresti family were somewhat unconventional and allegedly included unhealthy doses of market manipulation, otherwise known as insider dealing, […]
Italian Rogue of the Week – Vittorio Sgarbi
Vittorio Sgarbi is an Italian art critic, television personality, actor, and politician who is probably one of the most foul mouthed, aggressive, short-tempered Italians you are ever likely to be unlucky enough to meet. With a list of convictions, mainly for slander, as long as your arm, Sgarbi continues to pop up on Italian television. […]