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Map of Italy Showing Illegal Toxic Waste Dumping Areas

How toxic is that pizza?

After writing about Italy’s terrifying Triangle of Death, other areas of Italy in which toxic waste has been dumped have come to light. What follows is an infographic showing those areas of Italy in which toxic waste either has been dumped. So far, there are three areas: the Triangle of Death in Italy’s Campania region, […]

Italians Are Unhappy With Healthcare in Italy

Italians are cutting the amount they spend on healthcare according to the findings of the Sixth International Heathcare Barometer survey carried out by Europ Assistance, an international travel and healthcare provider. Europ Assistance interviewed 5,500 people in 10 nations, including Italy, for their survey. The key findings were: The economic crisis has affected healthcare consumption in Italy. […]

Italy’s Painfully Expensive Headache Pills

The price of headache pills in Italy is nothing short of extortionate.  A packet of 20 Aspirina 500mg aspirin based headache tablets can cost you as much as €4.50 in Italy’s pharmacies (€3.85 with a discount).  In the United Kingdom, you can buy a packet of 16 500mg paracetamol tablets for 39 Pence which is […]

Italian Scientists’ Success Tainted by Nepotism

Antonio Iavarone and Anna Lasorella are two Italian scientists who have recently revealed the results of their research into brain tumours in children. The ground-breaking work of this husband and wife teammay well lead to new therapies which could help save young lives.

Italian temperatures and Umbrellas

Nope, this entry is not going to be about the weather here in Italy. It’s about thermometers. Every house in Italy has got at least one of the things, or so it would seem.