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Life in Italy

Berlusconi’s French Connection

Well, he has billions, virtually runs every aspect of Italy, and claimed that he wanted to save Alitalia for Italy, even if, after all the tooing and froing, one Alitalia’s original suitors, namely Air France, appears to have fallen back in favour.

Italy – Land of Cliques

Yes, it’s true. Italy is riddled with cliques. It’s a very cliquey nation. Cliques are everywhere in Italy when you think about it, as I have been doing after having met up for a beer with an American friend.

Atman, the Manchester Terrier

Our little pup is now one. He’s still a mischievous little rascal, and we are not convinced that the neutering operation he was subjected to

House For Sale near Milan

Gaetano Salvo, friend and Blog from Italy researcher wants to sell his house. For those who might be interested, or may know of someone or

Immersion Heaters in Italy

If you are English, you will know that an immersion heater is that dome topped tank that often lives in an airing cupboard.  Well, in

Raccomandato – It’s Who You Know

One of the meanings of the Italian word ‘Raccomandato’ is ‘recommended’. It’s a word you hear quite a lot here, but not always for the right reasons.