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Italian politics

How Democracy Does not Work in Italy

Italy is, on paper at least, a constitutional democracy. Expensive general elections are regular events in Italy mainly because governments don’t last too long.  While

Italy’s Biggest Problem

Finally, I’ve cracked it.  I’ve understood what Italy’s biggest problem is, and no, it’s not Silvio Berlusconi, in case you were wondering. Italy’s biggest problem

Italy, One, P2, P3

Strange days in Italy. Whilst digging into illicit goings on surrounding the awarding of contracts for wind farms in Sardinia, Italy’s carabinieri police appear to have uncovered the insidious sequel to a mysterious illegal masonic group known as Propaganda 2, or P2 for short. Italy’s press have wasted no time in labelling the sequel, Propaganda 3. Or P3 for short.

Funny country

Recently, as those in Italy know well, rather a lot of people have been caught with their trousers down as a result of the clever


While dropping off our little one at the day nursery today I was involved in the elimination of a large cockroach within said nursery. One