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Italians Turn from Horse to Pedal Power

Sales of bicycles in Italy exceeded those of cars in 2011 during which 1,750,000 bikes were sold compared to 1,748,143 cars. Rocketing fuel prices and congestion charge systems may be to blame for what may be the beginning of the end of the Italian love affair with four wheels.  Finding car parking spots in Italy’s major […]

Is Life in Italy So bad?

At the end of the day, despite bickering politicians and dodgy organisation, life in Italy is not that bad.


While dropping off our little one at the day nursery today I was involved in the elimination of a large cockroach within said nursery. One of the nursery staff started screaming and lunging at the beast with a broom, but it was yours truly who administered the coup de grace, with my foot. These beasts […]

First blog


Introductory ramblings Well, I’ve been in Italy for quite a while now.  It’s almost ten years since I decided to try a different life and set off from the UK for a new place.  I ended up in northern Italy, Milan to be exact.  I didn’t really intend to be here for such a long […]