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Speeding fines in Italy, again, and Pisa…

It’s official, the article in the Telegraph I read while I was in the UK would seem to indicate that Euro traffic fines will shortly be with us. The same article is available on-line here.  Although this change comes into effect in March 2007, as some who have read this blog will have noticed, the UK DVLA has already been giving out the addresses of offenders to the Italian authorities so they can send victims a nice little fine.

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Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

For some not exactly clear reason a number of people who have left comments on my blog have been ending up with fines for traffic offences whilst driving through Pisa.  If you happen to find yourself there in the near future, watch out, because the area into which certain cars are not allowed does not seem to be well signposted.

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Foreign Direct Investment – Italy Not in Top 15

It’s easy to be negative about Italy, and the country is receiving quite a lot of bad press at the moment, what with potentially repressive laws designed to restrict press freedom, and the odd scandal or three. All the furore leads to this question, possibly: Could Italy’s tarnished image be damaging the countries foreign direct investment prospects?


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