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Mesothelioma and Asbestosis in Italy

At least 1,200 cases of mesothelioma occur every year in Italy. Up until the end of the 1980s, Italy’s production of asbestos was second only to that of Russia.  Asbestos was also used widely in Italy, until its use was banned in 1992.

Blue Asbestos
Blue Asbestos

Italy was something of a late adopter when it came to the use of asbestos, being some 10 years behind countries such as the United States and Great Britain.  Not only was Italy an asbestos producer, it also imported substantial amounts of asbestos from Canada, Australia and South Africa.

As a consequence of the large scale production and use of asbestos in Italy, incidences of mesothelioma have increased, and will continue to do so for some time to come.  This means that mesothelioma lawyers do exist in Italy, although finding them may not be too easy.

There is the chance that Italy’s mesothelioma lawyers do not speak English, although judging by the body of information available on this subject in English, it is likely that many of Italy’s mesothelioma lawyers will have studied documentation in the language.

In the following post you will find a suggestion as to how to find mesothelioma lawyers in Italy, plus the names of two leading Italian lawyers who have dealt with mesothelioma litigation.

A study carried out by the Occupational Health Department of La Sapienza university in Rome revealed that deaths from mesothelioma in Italy were likely to double, reaching some 9000 cases in 2018.  In 1999 in Italy, 5000 people died as a result of mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer affecting lungs and the abdominal cavity which is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos.  Asbestos related illnesses include mesothelioma, as well as asbestosis, pleural plaques, and lung tumors.

Alas, it is not only Italians who may be at risk of mesothelioma and other asbestos related illnesses.

Have You Worked in At Risk Environment in Italy?

If you have worked Italy, you may be at risk of mesothelioma or asbestosis and other asbestos related illnesses.   It is likely that some foreign employees found themselves working in environments in which asbestos was used in Italy, and this includes, would you believe, teachers.

Here is a short list of work environments in which asbestos was employed in Italy – it has been taken from the ISPESL website:

  • The production of asbestos cement related products – often for the construction trade
  • The manufacture of textiles containing asbestos used in the ship building  (Monfalcone), railroad maintenance, and building construction industries in Italy.

ISPESL “is a technical-scientific body in the National Health Service and reports to the Ministry of Health as regards all aspects of occupational safety, health and prevention.”  Part of the ISPESL body includes the Registro nazionale dei mesoteliomi – Italy’s National Mesothelioma Registry, a body which records all incidences of mesothelioma in Italy.

Information in English for Mesothelioma lawyers

Mesothelioma lawyers from outside of Italy researching cases concerning ex-employees of Italian companies which were involved in the production and use of asbestos and asbestos related products, will find a substantial ammount of information on the ISPESL in English.  Simply change the site language to English and carry out a search – in English.

Mesothelioma patients may also be interested in the ISPESL site too.

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Stop reading, start speaking

Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio course that prompt you to speak.

Another source of information could be AIRTUM, Associazione Italiana Registri Tumori – the Italian Tumor Registry, which, incidentally, is about to publish a report entitled: Italian Cancer Figures – Report 2009.  This report will contain information on mesothelioma cases in Italy, and could be of use to both mesothelioma lawyers and mesothelioma patients alike.

Looking for Mesothelioma Lawyers in Italy

One thing which can be tried is, for example, to find Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyers, if you are in Pennsylvania that is, and then ask them to connect with Italian mesothelioma lawyers.  One Italian law firm which is likely to have good international connections is the NCTM practice.

There are other English speaking lawyers and law firms in Italy, but always ensure before instructing a lawyer to act on your behalf that he or she has has direct experience of Mesothelioma litigation.

Two Italian Mesothelioma Lawyers

Two mesothelioma lawyers in Italy are Amedeo Zamboni who acted on behalf of the families of the deceased in the Monfalcone shipyard case and Annamaria Marin. Zamboni and his law firm will have in depth information on mesothelioma and asbestos cases in Italy.

Both Zamboni and Marin were involved with the Italian Asbestos Exposure Association.  The Associations’ website does have a little in English, so it is possible that communication in English is possible.  This Italian asbestos association can be contacted here:

Via dei Carracci 2
20149 MILANO
telephone 02-498.4678 – fax 02-480.14680

The Association should be able to put foreign mesothelioma lawyers in touch with Italian lawyers specialising in this subject.

Another list of lawyers specialising in mesothelioma is here: hg.org – Law firms -Asbestos-Mesothelioma – Italy

If anyone reading this has any other useful names or resources, then add them via a comment, and this page will be updated.

Sources and further reading:

Amianto Mai Più – Asbestos No More – in Italian

Mesotheliomaweb.org – US mesothelioma resource site with information for mesothelioma patients and details on recent cases.

Mesothelioma – Wikipedia

I PROCESSI ALL’AMIANTO – Progress in Asbestos Cases in Italy 14 April 2002 Update – RAI 3 Report Television Documentary – in Italian

ISPESL – Italian National Institute for Occupational Safety and Prevention  – in English

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