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Is Mario Monti Good For Italy? Not really.

While this site suffers from a bout of technological hiccups, I suggest you go off to read a fascinating article on why Mario Monti and his technocrats failed and why the approach of another, less distinguished but more expert economist Ecuador’s Rafael Correa would probably have sorted out Italy’s ills and keep austerity at bay.

Here’s an article Italy watchers should be reading:

The article is: Why Is the Failed Monti a ‘Technocrat’ and the Successful Correa a ‘Left-Leaning Economist’? by William K. Black.

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It may even provide inspiration for future Italian leaders too.

Come on Italy, challenge those minority interest groups and get this great nation back on track.

The only fly, or perhaps, whale, in the ointment, is who exactly Italians should vote for. At present, nobody springs to mind. Why?

Because “A nation that elects Berlusconi its leader already has a severe democratic deficit.” And this “severe democratic deficit still exists.

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Seafood Soup for the New Year in Italy

New Year’s Traditions in Italy

Christmas and New Year in Italy are a huge excuse for Italians to push the boat out and eat lots of food and sample plenty of drink too. But gastronomic delights are only part of the story.

As you may know, Italy is a land which is rich in traditions which vary from region to region and from city to city. At New Year though many of what goes on is common to most of Italy, although it would take ages to list all the combinations of food and wine which will end up on Italian New Year tables this evening.


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It’s quite green round these parts: Stop reading, start speaking Stop translating in your head and start speaking Italian for real with the only audio


Many thanks to those of you, kind readers, who have updated the links from your blogs to Blog from Italy’s new WordPress powered base. Stop

A referendum

This Sunday and Monday Italians will have the opportunity to vote on the issue of ‘assisted fertility’, something which is illegal under current Italian law.